
If you are experiencing ringing in your ears, this appointment is designed to evaluate the cause of your tinnitus and determine which type of treatment would most benefit you.


What to Expect

  • Like most visits to our office, your tinnitus appointment will need to begin with an audiological evaluation. To schedule a hearing test, please contact our office.

  • Seattle Hearing and Balance Center’s goal is to give you the tools to habituate to your tinnitus. 

  • After your audiological evaluation, the audiologist will review your records and determine a habituation plan.

  • The audiologist may decide to match the pitch and volume of your tinnitus. 

  • Habituation allows your body to adapt to your tinnitus and control the negative impact it may have on your daily life. 

  • Each tinnitus plan is a collaboration between the audiologist and the patient to suit their unique needs. 

  • Tinnitus treatment at our office is accomplished in many ways including: sound therapy, hearing aids, masking, and referrals for behavioral therapy or general wellness counseling.